发布者:国际交流项目部 时间:2017-11-06
讲座名称:The Power of Followership
主讲人:Dr. Stefan Krummaker(英国伦敦大学玛丽女王学院管院副经理)
讲座时间:2017年11月8日 10:00-12:00
讲座内容:The guest lecture will discuss the key role of proactive followers in a company and how they are influencing other followers and managers. Powerful followers are courageous, take on initiative, are role models to other followers and by that play a crucial role in change and innovation processes. The guest lecture will also show how the education at Queen Mary University of London will support students in becoming powerful follower and, ultimately, great leaders who are able to make a difference.
Dr Stefan Krummaker is the Associate Dean for Taught Programmes and a member of the senior management team at the School of Business and Management, Queen Mary University of London. Furthermore, he is a Reader (Associate Professor) in Leadership Practice and holds academic visiting positions at several other European Universities. Earlier roles included lecturer positions in Germany as well as professional and managerial positions outside academia
Stefan is a renowned leadership expert. He is teaching leadership in various academic settings and in companies. Furthermore, he is acting as a leadership speaker, coach and consultant in a number of international companies as well as regional SMEs.
His work investigates forms and practices of effective change leadership, leaders’ change competencies, co-creation of leadership and high-quality relationships at work. Stefan publishes in top-tier journals and books, and presents his work at international conferences. He is also the Programme Co-Chair of the annual Academy of Management Teaching and Learning Conference.