发布者:bat365中文官方网站办公室 时间:2017-11-03 阅读次数:1319
[1] Adding or Saving? The Value of CSR Disclosure
报告人:李安泰 博士
[2] 政治不确定性与资产价格——基于中国官员变更事件的证据
报告人:邱穆青 博士
报告时间: 2017年11月7日(星期二) 13:00-15:00
报告地点: 三教102室
[1] This paper investigates the effect of CSR disclosure on the firm’s value. Based on 12000 CSR reports in China, we find that 1) CSR disclosure adds incremental value to the firm. Specifically, the effect is pronounced in the firms that discloses specific donation amount. 2) CSR disclosure can also mitigates the negative effect for firms that suffer from net income decreasing,analyst revision downward, negative news reports,and litigation. 3) In controlling shareholder perspective, we find Adding Effect and Saving Effect have different impact on the firms controlled by different controlling shareholders. 4) The firm makes CSR disclosure is compensated by government subsidy. Our results are robust to various endogenous tests.
[2] 政治不确定性不仅会影响宏观经济的发展,同样是资产价格的重要影响因素。利用2002-2017年中国省委书记和省长的变更作为外生事件冲击,基于股价事件研究方法,本文研究了政治不确定性对股票价格的影响。本文发现,官员变更带来的政治不确定性冲击引起短期股价下跌,特别是政治敏感性强的企业;基于二级市场交易的数据和合成控制的方法,能得出稳健一致的结论;进一步发现,股价的下跌是因为不确定性引起的风险上升而非未来现金流的下降。本文的发现为政治不确定性影响资产价格提供经验证据。